VGU Library first impression

Coming to VGU for one year internship, our German intern Lee Hana Bi Wiebigke reflected her first impression about VGU Library. Currently, she does her first 3 month internship at VGU Library.


Here is her first feel:

The VGU library is a modern, eco-friendly space designed for the well-being of every student. The concrete exterior suggests a cold and monotonous space, but the concept of an open space with glass doors and walls inside make the room much bigger and brighter.

The strategic placement of greenery throughout the space offers a refreshing contrast to the solid architecture. These plants not only soften the look of the space but also help reduce stress and boost mood, creating a peaceful environment for studying. The wooden chairs and tables further connect the interior to nature, offering enhancing focus and productivity. Meanwhile, accents of signal orange serve as a lively nod to the university’s colors, adding energy to the overall design.

The library’s group spaces are open for everyone and can be reserved in advance through the website. These rooms are perfect for study groups, preparing presentations, or collaborative projects, providing flexible and convenient learning environments.

While the building’s exterior may seem very warm, the climate inside is regulated by an efficient air conditioning system, ensuring that the space remains cool and comfortable for all who use it.

Every book is available online, allowing users to easily check availability and borrow them. The library offers books in Vietnamese, English, and German, covering not only subjects related to various majors but also for example learning German.

The space is not just for academic purposes, it’s also designed for relaxation and de-stressing.

Below, the photos were taken by her around the Library.

VGU Library