After making great efforts for researching different service models, we are happy to launch VGU new InterLibrary Services, a free of charge service, developed to expand access to a wider range of resources nationally and internationally beyond our VGU Library collections. From now on, we do not need to worry about information resource limits for your research and learning needs. Let’s make our academic lives easier.
What Materials can be retrieved through VGU InterLibrary Services (ILS)?
InterLibrary Services (ILS) allow us to borrow books and obtain book chapters, articles, and datasets that are not found in our Library collections but can be retrieved from InterLibrary networks. This service is promising for those seeking sufficient information resources for their paper writing, in-depth research projects and referencing with rare or new resources.
How to get materials using ILS?
1. Request materials
Search materials via:
WorldCat InterLibrary Loan (ILL): search your expected materials on VGU Library OneSEARCH on the library website or via this link.
OR: Other InterLibrary Service Systems and Partner Libraries via this form.
2. Material arrival: Wait for 2-4 working days to receive your requested materials via email or post.
Why don’t Get Started Today?
To begin using InterLibrary Services, simply visit our ILS page and fill out ILS form, or search materials via our OneSEARCH system.
Please don’t hesitate to reach us via email ( or in person for support.
We hope this new service facilitates and enhances your research and learning experience at VGU.
VGU Library